

Charlotte County 经验丰富的服务 helps 退伍军人 and their families receive better access to services. 有 无费用或成本 提交退伍军人福利申请. 我们的服务也包括 免费.

我们感谢退伍军人和他们为国家所做的贡献. 在我们办公室,你将永远受到礼貌和同情的对待. 我们致力于为您提供一个清晰的, complete and accurate explanation of the process of applying for veteran's benefits and services.

如果你想获得退伍军人福利, 请与我们联系,我们将尽最大努力帮助您. 呼叫 941.764.5579 to speak with a Veteran Service Officer or visit one of our office locations. 办公室访问需要预约.



You may be eligible to receive disability compensation if you have a current illness or injury (known as a condition) that affects your body or mind.

  • 现役,现役训练或非现役训练
  • 您的服务相关状况的残疾等级


  • 在职伤残索偿: got sick or injured while serving in the military and can link this condition to your illness or injury (called an in-service disability claim)
  • 职前伤残索偿: had an illness or injury before you joined the military and serving made it worse
  • 离职后残疾索赔: have a disability related to your active-duty service that didn’t appear until after you ended your service

If you have a disability that’s been diagnosed by a doctor and that we consider to be related to your military service because of a specific aspect of that service, you may be able to get disability benefits based on this presumed disability. 这通常适用于:

  • A chronic (long-lasting) illness that appears within one year after discharge, or
  • An illness caused by 联系 with contaminants (toxic chemicals) or other hazardous materials, or
  • 一种由于你作为战俘而引起的疾病。


You may be eligible for the Veteran 养老金 program if you meet the Veteran Affairs pension eligibility requirements.

  • 做一名战时老兵
  • 没有被开除军籍
  • 家庭年收入和净资产是否没有超过国会规定的上限. Net worth includes spouses net worth and all personal property (excluding house, 车, 以及大多数家居用品), 减去你欠的所有债务


  • 至少65岁
  • 永久性和完全残疾
  • 作为一名因残疾而在养老院接受长期护理的病人
  • Receive 社会 Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income

Additionally, your service history must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • 9月9日前开始服役. 8, 1980, and you served at least 90 days on active duty with at least 1 day during wartime
  • 9月9日以后作为士兵开始服现役. 7, 1980, and served at least 24 months or the full period for which you were called or ordered to active duty (with some exceptions) with at least 1 day during wartime
  • 我是一名军官,10月10日后开始服役. 16, 1981, and you hadn’t previously served on active duty for at least 24 months

You may be eligible for the Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits if you already receive a Veteran Affairs pensions and meet one of the following requirements:

  • You need another person to help you perform daily activities such as bathing, 喂食和/或穿衣
  • You have to stay in bed or spend a large portion of the day in bed because of illness
  • You are a patient in a nursing home due to the loss of mental or physical abilities related to a disability
  • You have limited eyesight (less than 5/200 vision in both eyes with glasses or 联系 lenses; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less)

If you receive Veteran Affairs pension and you spend most of your time in your home because of a permanent disability, 你可能有资格享受居家福利. You cannot receive Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits at the same time.


You may be eligible to receive employment support or services to help you live as independently as possible if you have a disability that was caused, 或者更糟, by your active-duty service which limits your ability to work or prevents you from working.


  • 成为一名老兵
  • 没有被开除军籍
  • Have a service-connected disability rating of at least 10% from Veteran Affairs
  • 申请职业康复及就业服务

Your basic period of eligibility ends 12 years from the date you received notice of your:

  • 脱离现役的日期
  • 第一个退伍军人事务伤残等级

The basic period of eligibility may be extended if a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) finds that you have a serious employment handicap (SEH). Having an employment handicap means your service-connected disability limits your ability to prepare for, 获得, and maintain suitable employment (a job that doesn’t make your disability worse, 是稳定的, 和你的能力相匹配, 资质, 和兴趣).


服务人员, 退伍军人, and family members may be eligible for burial in a Veteran Affairs national cemetery. 葬礼仪式可能包括一块墓碑, 标记, 大奖章, 下葬旗和总统纪念证书. 一些家庭成员也可能有资格获得支付丧葬费用的钱.

资格, the person qualifying for burial benefits must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • 成为一名老兵
  • 没有被开除军籍
  • 成为一名服役期间死亡的军人, 现役训练或非现役训练
  • 是退伍军人的配偶或受抚养的子女,即使退伍军人先去世
  • 是退伍军人的未婚成年抚养子女

You may be eligible to receive allowances if you’re paying for a veteran’s burial and funeral costs.

资格, your relationship to the veteran must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • 退伍军人未亡配偶(我们承认同性婚姻)
  • 老兵幸存的孩子
  • 退伍军人的父母
  • Executor or administrator of the veteran’s estate (someone who officially represents the veteran)


  • 没有被开除军籍
  • Have been receiving a Veteran Affairs pension or compensation when they died
  • 选择领取军人退休工资而不是补偿金
  • 因与工作有关的残疾而死亡
  • 在接受退伍军人事务护理期间死亡, either at a Veteran Affairs facility or facility contracted by Veteran Affairs
  • 在前往退伍军人事务部的途中死亡
  • Have died with a reopened claim for Veteran Affairs compensation or a pension that would have qualified them to get benefits
  • 死于10月或之后. 1996年9月9日,在退伍军人事务部批准的国家疗养院,一名病人

Allowances may also cover the cost of transporting a veteran’s remains for burial in a national cemetery.



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